Aaron Becsei is a third generation Hungarian watchmaker and member of the AHCI.

1. Describe briefly your childhood.

Parallel to the school I played waterpolo in the national league (5 trainings/week + 1-2 matches/weekends) so not too much free-time…but still I loved that period.

2. As a child did you have any driving ambition? 

As a very young boy I wanted to be a truck-driver then after receiving my basic computer I wanted to be a programmer. Actually this ambition become somehow realized when I am CAD/CAM designing and manufacturing the raw parts of my watches or programming my own-designed machines.

3. What is your first significant memory as a child?

I don’t even remember what happened yesterday 😊😊

4. Have you ever had another profession? 

No. I started with repairing timepieces with my father then I started to create my own ones.

5. What made you decide to go in the direction you are currently in?

The first success at my father’s workshop. He decided to give me more complicated tasks, then with my mechanical engineer degree it was not a question anymore that I want to do what I enjoy doing…and when I met my wife we decided to make it professionally.

6. What’s the worst job you’ve had to do? 

Being a child I hated mowing the lawn 😊

7. What’s been the hardest moment in your life so far, and how did you overcome it?

Keep the deadlines – I don’t sleep too much then…😊 and for the future I am trying new techniques to keep them.

8. Who has had the strongest influence on you? 

My father with his excellence at watchmaking and George Daniels’s books.

9. What are you most proud of?

My timepieces and my children – actually both are my children 😊

10. What advice would you give to a 20 something someone thinking of taking a similar path as you?

Think it twice 😊 and be sure you have someone next to/with you in any, but any case…

11. Name three things on your bucket list. 


12. Where do you think the industry is going to be in 10 years time.

I think artistic watch-creation will have the same (or more) reputation as today, but with mass manufacturing – no idea what will happen…

To find out more about Aaron Bescei